Saturday, December 8, 2012

Insurance Gaps For Rented Recreational Toys

Thinking of renting a recreational toy such as, a snowmobile, jet skis, snowboards, a motorboat, RV or an ATV? While these "toys" offer hours and hours of family fun, there are some gaps in insuring these rented toys that you need to be aware of.

One insurance gap when you rent a recreational toy is that you are held liable for any injuries or property damaged caused by you to other people or their property. You are also accountable for any damage caused to the rental while it is in your possession. In some cases, as specified by your rental contract, you are responsible for damages to the recreational rental even if you did not cause the damage.

It is important if you rent these toys occasionally, for you to ensure that your umbrella policy offers coverage for these gaps. When you rent a boat, you need to pay close attention to your umbrella coverage because often, coverage is limited. For instance, if the boat you are renting has a high horsepower or is longer than the length limit, it may exceed the special exclusions stated in your insurance agreement, causing a gap in coverage. You can avoid this coverage gap by paying special attention to the coverage on your umbrella policy and purchasing an umbrella policy that does not have length or horsepower restrictions.

Before you rent a fun recreational toy, it is important to make sure that you are aware of any possible insurance gaps involved. Set your personal umbrella policy to cover any gaps and then you are all set. Get out and have some fun!

Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   Income Protection - A Reliable Way To Protect Your Finance   An Umbrella Policy - How It Will Help You Pay Less For Superior Auto Insurance   Insurance Phoenix - The Amazing Umbrella Policy   

Umbrella Companies

In the UK, an umbrella company acts as employer to independent contractors who work under temporary contract, usually through a specialist employment agency.

Recruitment agencies will only issue contracts to a limited company. Since the introduction of the Managed Service Company legislation in the 2007 budget, the only way an independent contractor can comply with this requirement is to set up his or her own personal limited company or use an umbrella company.

An umbrella company issues invoices to the recruitment agency (or client) and, when payment of the invoice is made, will typically pay the contractor through PAYE.

Umbrella companies have become more prevalent since the British government introduced so-called "IR35" legislation that makes it less beneficial to start your own company and increasingly attractive to join an umbrella company.

IR35 is a term used to denote United Kingdom tax legislation designed to tax "disguised employment" at a rate similar to employment. In this context, "disguised employees" means workers who receive payments from a client via an intermediary and whose relationship with their client is such that had they been paid directly they would be employees of the client. Before IR35 was introduced workers who owned their own companies were allowed to receive payments from clients direct to the company and to use the company revenue as would any small company.

With doing some research into umbrella companies i have found out that most of them offer the same services.

* Turn timesheets from contractors into invoices and submit to agencies * Process funds from agencies and send to your bank account * Process your expenses ensuring you maximise your income and tax efficiency.

Whilst many of the umbrella companies advertise similar offerings, much of the detail should be checked by the user.

Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   Income Protection - A Reliable Way To Protect Your Finance   An Umbrella Policy - How It Will Help You Pay Less For Superior Auto Insurance   Insurance Phoenix - The Amazing Umbrella Policy   

You Need an Umbrella Policy to Become a Millionaire

Have you ever been caught out in the rain without an umbrella? If so, I'll bet that you felt really stupid, right? In addition, you got soaking wet and most likely caught a nasty head cold as well. Well, in these uncertain times, it's just as dumb to venture forth without the proper financial "umbrella" to protect your assets from those unexpected financial storms. I'm talking about personal liability insurance. More specifically I'm talking about an umbrella policy, which is a special kind of personal liability insurance that provides you with extra insurance protection. This type of insurance is referred to as an "umbrella" because it brings together various different components that are normally covered by separate professional liability policies.

When it comes to personal liability insurance, an umbrella policy is simply one of the best investments you can make. Not only does this type of policy provide addition coverage above and beyond what is allowed in a traditional policy (for example, if you cause a car accident and are sued, your maximum liability may not cover the amount of the settlement from a lawsuit), but it will often cover things that are not normally addressed in a traditional policy such as a copyright infringement case or a defamation suit. Another benefit of an umbrella policy is the price. Monthly premiums on a seven-figure policy are much cheaper than it would be for a single insurance policy. Depending on the state in which you live, it's not unheard of to carry a four or five million dollar policy for as little as $300 a month.

An umbrella policy is not just for wealthy people either. If you own your own home, run a small business, or drive your own car on a daily basis, you can benefit greatly from an umbrella policy. Besides the low cost of carrying such a policy, it will give you peace of mind knowing that, should you be sued, your assets will be protected from unforeseen and uncontrollable events. Let's say you are away on vacation and a neighbor's child gets badly injured playing on your property. That child's family can sue you even though the incident wasn't your fault. If you have a homeowner's policy that limits liability to an amount far less than what the court says you are liable for, you risk losing everything you own. The same goes for a business where an employee is hurt on the job. Your worker's compensation insurance may not be enough. Companies have been shut down because of insufficient liability protection. If you own a small business, you can't afford to rely solely on a traditional policy.

If you are interested in umbrella protection, you should contact your insurance agent (assuming you use a single agency for all of your insurance needs) to see what he has to offer. Your insurance agent can explain the scope of the coverage and the terms and conditions of the policy. Using a single agency may also result in additional discounts.

Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   Income Protection - A Reliable Way To Protect Your Finance   An Umbrella Policy - How It Will Help You Pay Less For Superior Auto Insurance   Insurance Phoenix - The Amazing Umbrella Policy   

Umbrella Insurance Policies and Why You Need Them

If you are like me then you have lots of various insurance policies. Some are required by banks or lending institutions, others provide peace of mind from your worst fears. Unfortunately, even with all the coverage for all these various things, sometimes it is just not enough. This is why you need to discuss and umbrella insurance policy with your insurance agent, broker or independent insurance agent.

If you own a small business then you really need to consider an umbrella insurance policy and it might even save you money on your over all insurance costs. Indeed, it could even be a life saver in the event of some catastrophic event resulting in a huge lawsuit which might threaten to bankrupt your company and your family. These types of things can be prevented with proper insurance, no sense in becoming a statistic or a reason for someone else to get the type of insurance you should have gotten.

To help you examine all your various types of insurance policies you need to get an expert to look them over and audit what you currently have. Perhaps you might even end up making changes. Umbrella insurance policies can fill in any gaps and protect your assets and/or your small business. Sometimes an extra 1 million dollar umbrella policy is a lot cheaper than you think. It was for me and my business. Ask an expert insurance person about this, I did.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   Income Protection - A Reliable Way To Protect Your Finance   An Umbrella Policy - How It Will Help You Pay Less For Superior Auto Insurance   Insurance Phoenix - The Amazing Umbrella Policy   You Need an Umbrella Policy to Become a Millionaire   The Facts and Truth About Umbrella Insurance   

Do I Need an Umbrella?

Have you ever hosted a party? If a guest is injured on your property or causes an accident after being served drinks at your home, you could be held responsible. Think about this for a moment...We've all hosted parties, right? Liability extends off the premises as well. On the subject of umbrella, let's say you're at an outdoor event and it starts raining, so you open up your umbrella and poke the person behind you in the eye. He decides to come after you for damages. It might be nice to have a little more coverage, right? My point is, when it comes to having more liability coverage, we could all use it.

Many people incorrectly assume they don't need umbrella insurance - that it's just for rich people. However, simple accidents can result in multi-million dollar lawsuits that put their important assets and future earnings at risk. Studies have shown the average homeowners policy has limits between $100,000 and $300,000 for Personal Liability. These days, this is not enough. In some cases, for as little as $10 a month (rates vary according to the risk and state), you can gain the protection and peace of mind with a Personal Umbrella.

Some highlights of having an Umbrella:

- Additional liability coverage from $1 million to $5 million.

- Bodily injury and property damage in an accident that exceeds your auto liability limit.

- Bodily injury in the event of an accident on your property in excess of your homeowners liability limits.

- Additional coverage for your primary and secondary homes, rental properties, automobile, motorcycle, motor home, watercraft and more.

- Legal defense fees not covered by your current policy - including libel or slander judgments.

- Extended protection for your current assets and future earnings.

Umbrella Insurance - Through the Looking Glass   Income Protection - A Reliable Way To Protect Your Finance   An Umbrella Policy - How It Will Help You Pay Less For Superior Auto Insurance   Insurance Phoenix - The Amazing Umbrella Policy   You Need an Umbrella Policy to Become a Millionaire   What Will Your Umbrella Policy Cover? What Doesn't It Cover?   

What's More Profitable? A Digital Product Or A Physical Product

When you create your own eBook and sell it online, you will typically keep 95% of every sale you make. Now that does not included marketing expenses. I'm talking about infrastructure related expenses.

In the case of digital products that includes website maintenance, payment processing, and product delivery. Paid advertising is not factored in here.

Now let's see how much we'll make from the same piece of content in paperback format. After all expenses have been paid (excluding marketing expenses) you can expect to keep about 30 - 40% of each sale.

Let's take a look at A paperback there may sell for about $12. That means you'll make roughly $3-4 for every book sold.

If you take the same book and put it on the Amazon kindle store in digital format it may sell for $3.99 a copy. But this time you'll keep about $3.25 at least from each sale.

Now, which way could you expect to get more sales?

If you're a customer looking to purchase this book would you rather pay $3.99 or $12?

Would you rather wait 3-5 days (and pay even more for shipping costs) or download it to your phone or iPad instantly?

So, not only will you get a higher profit margin with the digital format, but you'll potentially get more sales too!

What if you're marketing this book on your own site? Would you like to make 40% or 95% on each book sold? Also, do you want to have the headache of dealing with the distributor, refunds, returns, repackaging, etc? Heck you almost need to hire a VA just to deal with that!

The upside to physical products is that they provide much more credibility and personal branding to the author than digital products. When the paperback book you wrote is sitting on someone's bookshelf next to John Maxwell and Napoleon Hill you get instant guru status simply for being there.

As far as personal branding goes, you get your face all over the place. Having real, tangible book that you can use as a business card goes a lot further than letting someone download your ebook.

For all the reasons I just mentioned it seems like only the truly successful entrepreneurs are the ones who can afford to deal with the nuances of physical product creation.

You can absolutely make money with either a digital or a physical product. If you're strictly looking at profit margins then digital is the way to go. However, if you want credibility and guru status then you may want to publish a paperback.

If it's your first time at selling your own information products online then I would suggest the digital route. After you have a few successful products under your belt then use the profits to cover the additional expenses of creating a physical product. Then you'll gain guru status in your niche!

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   

The Five Stages In the Life Cycle of Online Products

Life cycles are an extremely useful concept. Like most models, they help people to visualize the progress of an online product under certain conditions. They help people to predict the effects of decisions within the life cycle of that product.

There are a number of different life cycles. In fact, everyone who has an interest in an online product has some form of life cycle. Learning content creators have their version of a life cycle based on the effort. Accountants have their view of a life cycle based on income. Project Managers often have two. One based on the development cycle and one based on the types of projects needed. And marketers have their view.

In a previous article, I suggested a very complex life cycle. However, in this article I'm going to describe one life cycle of online products as seen by a marketer.

This marketing life cycle consists of five steps.

1. Pre-Launch

The period before the launch of a product is the focus of many other life cycles. But for a marketer, this time is used for two main purposes. The first is preparation of a marketing plan and marketing assets to be used later in the life cycle. However, this period is also used to create a buzz. Frequently this is a very heavy period of marketing as pre-orders are important to recovering the cost of development of the online product. A large pre-order also helps to focus partners on the product so that they continue to support the marketing effort in the next stage.

2. Growth

Once the product is released there will be an initial period where sales grow. While the pre-launch focused on the initial penetration of the market, this stage is more concerned with obtaining a commanding share of the market. This period is often characterized by high marketing spending with respect to profit.

3. Stabilization

In time, the market begins to reach equilibrium. While new competition enters the market, it tends not to disrupt the status quo. This stage is characterized by high profit with limited market spending and a stability in the market share.

4. Decreasing Sales

As time goes by sales begin to decrease. This can be caused by an obsolete product. Or it may be a market-wide phenomena caused by market saturation. Or it may be the result of an alternate innovative market arising. In any case, this stage is often characterized by wild swings in marketing spending. This is the result of increased spending on marketing with little result followed by a demand to reduce spending in order to increase profit. Determining the value of increased marketing spending during this time can be frustrating and frightening.

5. Alternate Use

This is sometimes referred to as retirement. However, I prefer the concept of alternate use with online products. Online products are most often used as bonuses to improve the sales value of other products. Actual retirement is frequently used to adjust the market demand. Online products are also frequently improved and renamed with a version which somewhat eliminates their retirement in this stage. However, regardless of the strategy chosen, this stage is characterized by the withdrawal from sale of the product and the associated suspension of marketing efforts.

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Resellers Heaven - Hidden Secret

Imagine that you can resell the latest eBooks, videos and audio. Why not? - Make yourself wealthy and your friends envy about that? Everything set-up for you? Plug & play system?

You can promote some products in which you have resale rights. Digital or downloadable software like videos, ebooks and much more. The point is to have access to all of them and just profit whenever you like. First thing to do is to select profitable niche.

Setting up your website is not a problem - automation is the key. You can ask yourself - what about - traffic to my site? Yes, it is important factor in making money from any online business, but it is pretty simple to learn. The best way could be to find some expert in that field - and your earnings will grow. There is a lot of information about that.

Internet demand for info products is huge - at the end we have information age. It is certainly great info if you want to build a viable business. If you are willing to learn, then nothing will stop you. Learn simple steps for driving traffic to your product webpages and you will never regret that. You must put some effort - otherwise it will be better for you to go for some job instead.

If you can select a niche - then you can earn some internet money. If you think that you can pick one system and it will work for you any time - it will be better for you to think twice then. Any kind of system can help you achieve something faster but you must put some effort as well.

Willingness to work and your ability to drive traffic to your webpage will be crucial - then you can decide today if it is something for you or not. Your online venture can be successful be traffic is the most important part - without nothing will happen.

Magic pills will not help you as well as anything else except traffic. If you do not manage in getting traffic to your webpage then it would not be possible to make any income. If you have large traffic volumes, you would be able to make sales every single day - feel happy - thinking about all those nice things you can get or trips to make.

Anyway in information age you can get some quick help with anything you like - how to get traffic to your website as well. With some time and effort - you are on your way. Your knowledge and skills are important as well.

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   

Niche Marketing - What Are The 3 Benefits Of Creating Audio/Video Info Product Compared To E-Book?

As an online internet marketer, we could offer three forms of digital downloadable info products to our potential customers: E-book, Audio and Video course. These different formats of info products have different perceived value as well as the learning effectiveness to customers.

Normally, internet marketers tend to start off with writing an E-book as they do not feel confident or comfortable to record and speak to their audiences. However, this is a very conservative thinking as the real big money comes in when you offer Audio and Video course info products. Here, I am writing this article to clearly highlight three distinct benefits of an Audio or Video course compared to the traditional E-book.

1) Less time and effort for production

E-book takes up quite a fair bit of time to produce as you will be required to write a full publication, not forgetting the phrasing, paragraphing and editing that has to be done. On the other hand, the amount of time for your Audio or Video recording directly reflects the time required for you to produce your info product, taking in account the time to prepare the script and some post-recording editing.

2) Learning effectiveness

E-book provides the reader with reading materials which may or may not be appealing and easily understandable to its readers. Comparatively, the Audio or Video course will provide the customer with a more interactive learning environment. By supplementing the Audio or Video course with the script for the course, it covers up the purpose of an E-book and would save the hassle of your customers to take notes and replay the course over again.

3) Perceived Value

E-book is an electronic publication with informative materials that internet marketers offer to their customers. With the ease and convenience of modern technology, conversion of E-books to digital media such as the Audio or Video course strongly elevates the worth and value, as digital media appears to be more informative and interactive. More importantly, try packaging your Audio or Video course with a script or some form of course notes as this would definitely add more value to your already highly regarded info product.


I do hope this article had been useful to you and will spark your interest to join the proven online money-making industry with Internet niche marketing. Feel free to follow my other articles to learn more about Internet niche marketing in whole.

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   

How To Create And Sell Your Own Information Product Incredibly Fast

Creating your own information product to sell online is much easier than most people realize. More importantly, it is absolutely the fastest way to make a lot of money on the internet. In fact, if you are serious about making money online, learning how to create and sell your own information product will do more toward making you successful than almost anything else you can do.

Most people are afraid to create their own product because they don't know where to start. They are also concerned because they don't believe that they know enough about a topic to create a product. Neither one of these concerns should hold you back. The key is to take action. As you will see, it is much easier and much simpler than you think.

The first thing to do is to find a market where people are already spending money. This is important. Most people think that you should start with the product in mind that you want to create. But that is a mistake. Start by looking at the market. If people are already buying things in a specific market, there is a very good chance that there are people who will buy a product you create for them.

Some places to search for a market is going through the "Dummies" books in your local bookstore. If a book is being written on the topic, you can be certain that people are spending money in this market. Another place to look is the different kinds of high-definition television channels that are available. These are usually on television because advertisers can target specific audiences with their offers.

Once you decide on a market, you can begin researching the topic either at the bookstore or searching online. Begin by creating an outline of the major topics or categories that would be included. The key is to keep things simple. You are not creating a college course on the topic. You are simply providing some basic information that people will find helpful.

Once you have an outline, you can begin to fill in some detailed information. Use bullet points that capture the main idea rather than writing out full sentences. Remember that it is better to keep things as simple as possible. Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed with too much detailed information.

Next, I am going to encourage you to do something a little different. Instead of writing everything down, you should create either an audio or video recording of you talking about the information. There are programs that you can download free on the internet that will allow you to do this. Use a program like PowerPoint and create a simple slide presentation if you decide to create a video. You can either create a series of smaller recordings or a longer single recording. Once it is finished, you have a product ready to sell.

From here, you can create a simple sales page for your product and then start promoting it online. Places like the warrior forum or other internet marketing communities can be a great place to find additional help if you need it. Once you create your first product, you are well on your way to building a successful business on the internet.

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   How To Build An Apple App   Uncovering New Money Making Ideas Online   

Elemental Guide To Creating Your Own Information Products

It's common knowledge that the information age has changed us profoundly. It has taught us that we need to improve ourselves and diversify our skills and knowledge if we want to succeed in life.

The consequence of this realisation is that information products have become the most sought after commodities on line and Internet Marketers are cashing in on this booming market by creating their own information products that attract top dollar! However, it can be difficult to break into this market and create a highly successful internet business if you have no idea where to start.

When beginning or furthering your internet business, the first thing you will need is a good product. Your product, if it's something people are looking for, is your business' lifeblood. Of course, if no one wants what you're selling, your business is kaput! With that said, many people are still confused as to what products to sell. A lot of new marketers wonder whether affiliate marketing is the way to success and indeed that is the easiest and quickest way to get started.

But to be blunt, the best way to boost your business and earn recognition is to find a low cost way to create your very own product. Fortunately, there are ways for you to begin creating products which you can continuously sell for a profit and it doesn't always require your own knowledge or expertise. The best kind of products you can sell on line are digital products.

Digital products are the most popular because of their easy and instant accessibility. People everywhere are looking for info products which by the way is not limited to just eBooks. The information which ranges from solving a problem to learning a new skill, can be delivered in many different forms. There are numerous products that can be created in digital form and sold on line such as Videos, Audios, Tutorials, E-courses and Training Guides.

The content can range from self-improvement to inspirational stuff, from curing acne to caring for your pet and from gardening to gourmet cooking. The reason why Information products are so popular is that they can be downloaded on line instantly and at any time - this, suites the impatient individuals who lead a fast paced life and can't wait to get their product.

Information products are also profitable because product creation is both easy and inexpensive. The product only needs to be created once yet can be sold numerous times and in different formats. If it's a popular subject, it can be extended far and wide.

This gives you the ability to create and market a number of digital products to further increase your earning potential. While this sounds great, many newcomers to the online marketing scene are initially daunted by the idea of creating their own information products. Some people fear that they don't know anything worth selling or that their writing skills simply are not up to par.

Creating information products also sounds exhaustively time consuming. The good news is that you don't have to be a genius or professional writer to create an information product. Creating products isn't even that time consuming.

If you have no idea where to begin, there are many informative guides, tutorials and E-courses that you can use to develop your skills, They can teach you the easy way to create your products and eliminate much of the guesswork.

A lot of people know something that other people would pay to know. Even if you don't consider yourself a good writer, there are still ways you can create your digital product. If you really don't feel confident about your ability to write, you can even hire a ghost writer to write you book for you or you can use public domain material to create your book. You can also purchase reasonably priced private label material.

How about creating a video or audio product where you don't even have to write anything? For instance if you are a good talker and have a good voice, you can create an mp3 audio. You don't need expensive or fancy equipment just a cheap microphone and some free software like Audacity will do the job nicely. Or you can make a video just by using a cheap webcam.

Creating a digital product only requires a bit of creativity and time. The key to successfully creating a digital product is to first find out what people are looking for and willing to pay for. It has to be a broad topic that people are craving for. It has to be a kind of topic that you can keep expanding on to be able to create multiple products. This will leave room for future growth and direction, while giving your internet business the boost it needs.

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   How To Build An Apple App   How to Easily Make Niche Information Products Even If You Have No Knowledge of the Niche   

5 Ideas For Creating a New Product Line

Once you've created your first product line, you have a problem. Where do you go from here? You're busily marketing your product line and hopefully selling product -- and making money. But if you just sit back on your laurels, you aren't going to continue to make money. You need more products. You need a new product line to compliment your existing product line.

You need to innovate!

In this article I'm going to give you five ideas for creating a new product line. Or more precisely for identifying a potential new product line.

1. Go deeper with your customers. Ask "What else might they like to know?"

The concept here is to provide more for your existing clients. You don't necessarily have to stick with the same topic. So as an example, let's say you are selling an exercise program to your customers. You might consider a set of products based on diet to help people have more energy.

2. Go wider with your customers. Ask "Who else might like to know this?"

Selling more to existing clients is easier than selling to people who don't know you. But there are more people with more disposable income who don't know you than who do. The trick here is that you are going to keep the same topic. So for example, say you are selling information on weight loss diets. You might consider repackaging the same content so that it appeals to people with diabetes.

3. Go deeper with your topic. Ask "What might people like to know more about?"

With one of the previous ideas you are trying to find topics that your existing customer base might like to know. In this version you are not worried about the customer base, you are focusing instead on the topic. For example, say you are selling information on Karate. You might consider a set of products based around one of the katas (exercises for the rest of us).

4. Go wider with your topic. Ask "What related topics might people need?"

In this case you are looking for related topics that customers similar to what you currently have might be interested in. Generally speaking you are going to stay within the product super category, however, not within the topic. To reuse our Karate example, you might for example, consider a product line around street defense for women or street fighting techniques.

5. Change your model.

Every product line uses a basic model of pricing and selling product. For example, you might have a high value coaching model where you are selling low and middle priced products all focused towards selling your customer on a high priced group-coaching product. Instead consider a similar product line but this time based around a micro-continuity product or a membership product. Or what about building the product line around a one-on-one coaching product.

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   How To Build An Apple App   The Easiest Way to Start (and Finish) a Project   Online Business Startup Plan: The Key Factors to Have in Mind   Repurposing: Getting The Most Mileage From Your Content   

Making Money Online: Creating Passive Income Through Information Products

Never before have we had an opportunity to be able to start our own business without having to spend any money. The internet and all of its capabilities give us the ability to do just that. You can create a full-time income making money online, all from the comfort of your own home. Here is a brief article explaining how to create your own information product and how to use it to create passive income online.


The first thing that you need to do is find out just what types of information products are selling online. This is very easy to do because there are billion dollar businesses that sell these products online and have all the information available for you. We can leverage these websites to find niches that will be profitable to go into.

Case in point...Amazon. You simply go to the 'books' section to see which books are hot sellers. They list them in terms of niches and sub-niches, and then toggle it to list the top sellers first. It will list out exactly what books are selling.

The next step you need to take is researching the keywords. Look at what types of information these books are selling and use Google's Free Keyword Tool to find out just what keywords people are searching for online. If you see a bunch of keywords getting a lot of searches, it means that the demand is certainly there.

Creating a Product:

You can either write the book yourself or hire someone to do it for you. You may even be better off creating a report on a certain aspect of the niche rather than writing a whole book. Either way, you will need to write it and turn it into a PDF file so others can read it without altering its contents.


Last but not least comes the promotional aspect of your report/book. You will need to learn how to drive traffic to your website that is promoting the book. If you build your website with keywords in mind, you can get your website to get organic traffic free from the search engines.

Once you have this entire sales funnel created and the traffic is coming in automatically, the website will sell the product for you. Then at that point you will have created a real life internet business making money online! You can either move on to making more projects or just sit back and watch the money come in passively without having to do anymore work.

Product Creation - Interviewing Experts Is The Simple Way   Membership Site Or Download Page?   How To Build An Apple App   New Product Ideas In 3 Easy Steps   

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